Amena: Hey everyone! Today me and my best friend Mayumi tried to make a table that can hold a book of 650 pages. We could use only 3 things and they are: tape, 8 papers, and a piece of cardboard. The piece of cardboard should be the top of the table. Our fist attempt didn't work because the legs of the table weren't taped well, and they weren't properly rolled. The second attempt worked because we properly rolled the paper and taped the legs well, but the main thing that held the book is that the legs of the table were 3 papers not 2. here is a picture of our successful attempt:


  1. Hi Amena, thanks for sharing. So the amount of paper you used made a difference, did it? That is interesting. I am SO GLAD you included a photo. Now, please understand that I am VERY IMPRESSED you guys took on this project but I am wondering as I look at that photo: would you be willing to put a full meal on top of that table? A meal that you made yourself AND would need to clean up yourself? If you were to do this project again, would you do anything differently? I look forward to hearing back from you! Keep up the good work.

  2. Great job, sure it's relief when your attempt finally works out. So again, why 3 legs not 4 like usual?

  3. We’re you allowed to use tools like scissors? I was thinking of cutting the cardboard to be smaller but then maybe that’s not allowed! What do you think made this challenge the hardest?


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Table Design