The Waves of WATER!!!!!!! by Mayumi

Hello, again!!

I have been experimenting with waves nowadays because all the swimming pools
have closed.


I ADORE swimming, so this is an outrage!!!!
But enough whining. It never did me any good so we might as well go on!
Here is a tap dripping water.That is the thing that is causing the waves. The waves are more promenent than usual so you can see the waves. If you want to make the waves bigger, there is a little bar where you control how big the drips are.
There is also a graph reading the waves.(that is also hard to see, next time I gotta make the frame bigger!)

Thanks for reading!!!!!



  1. So, by "drips" are you referring to the size of the droplets? Are you saying that that the size of the droplets affects the size of the waves? Are there any other factors that directly affect the size or frequency of the waves? This is so interesting...share more of your findings please!!

  2. I wonder what happens when the waves reach the edge of the pool. Do they just stop there?


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