
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bending light

This is bending light. But HOW does the light bend? When the light hits the water the waves bend. I still can't figure out the degrees though, if you know a way to measure how many degrees tell me in the comments! That's all for today! Bye 💓 By Salma Ashraf 💕

Sonar by Aya

HELOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ❤!  It's Ayaaaaaa!                                          okay. Time to make sense. No more making words like this: Hiiiiiiii The word "SONAR" means: Sound Navigation And Ranging.                                              ↑          ↑                 ↑     ↑                                              s          n                 a     r SONAR! watch and LEARN 👴            

The Waves of WATER!!!!!!! by Mayumi

Hello, again!! I have been experimenting with waves nowadays because all the swimming pools have closed. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ADORE swimming, so this is an outrage!!!! But enough whining. It never did me any good so we might as well go on! Here is a tap dripping water.That is the thing that is causing the waves. The waves are more promenent than usual so you can see the waves. If you want to make the waves bigger, there is a little bar where you control how big the drips are. There is also a graph reading the waves.(that is also hard to see, next time I gotta make the frame bigger!) Thanks for reading!!!!!   Bye!!

Song writing

Today,We lerned about Functions.💗💙The example This song has a Chorus, but when it says,Chorus in the lyrics, Chorus: Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, intoxicating you Oh, this is the greatest show We light it up, we won't come down And the sun can't stop us now Watching it come true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show This is a function.Instead of repeating the chorus one or 2 times it says at the beginning ,Chorus:,then the chorus.  same with all songs,like this one.(its random.)☺️☺️ -Emi💗💙

Lego Circut house.

bye Emi!☺️🎂

"John Travoltage" expiriment by Ayame Ayer

WHAT'S UP? Have you Ever wondered about ENERGY?  It is sOoOoO interesting.Once you get to STUDY  it, you soon figure out that there is SO SO much scientests have not found out about energy.Anyway we go on a websight called: PHET SIMULATIONS cool,right? We learned that when we kick our legs and move our arms we fill up with ENERGY  an if we get near metal it shocks you. And aparently,we tested it on a "John Travoltage"                                                                   John filling up with energy                    

John Travoltage! Actor or victim of voltage?by mayumi

We were doing a physics sim, and this turned up! When John "travoltage" kicks his foot, he gets shocked by the metal doorknob.  Ouch! But when he kicks his foot, He gets shocked! I couldn't get a snip of it though! Bye! Mayumi Ayer

Gas intro

So, this is gas on a box. I pumped some gas in the box and then made more pressure. More pressure makes the lid fly off!😂 when it falls off we have to return the lid. Making th gase hotter also puts lots of pressure so the lid flies off! Here's a random picture of me and Mayumi ❤💞 Bye!💙 By Salma Ashraf


Emi.Today we learned about pressure.☺️This is the gas intro.The pump on the right pumps hot and cold pressure into the box.If there is to much pressure in the box, the lid flies off.-Emi

The Test by Ayame Ayer

HELLO. HELLO. HELLO. So today we tested Eva to see something with the sonar sensor from about 10 inches to 11 inches and turn.                                                                             1 2                                                                                                                                         3               

Turning 180 degrees.

☺️  Emi☺️.                                                                               1                                                                     2                   ...